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Rope filling is a gift!

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Custom Band Setup

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Contact hours: 11:00 - 17:00 Monday - Thursday

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Applies to purchases above €80

Rope filling is a gift!

buying a muzzleloader

Custom Band Setup

For any type of speargun!

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Applies to purchases above €80

Rope filling is a gift!

Free for any speargun reel combo

Custom Band Setup

For any type of speargun!

Marseille weight belt Cressi

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Marseille weight belt Cressi. Massage belt with stainless steel buckle by Cressi Sub company of great strength and elasticity! Suitable for underwater fishing and scuba diving.


Marseille weight belt Cressi

Elastic weight belt of high strength and elasticity.

The Cressi Marseille weight belt is made of elastic material, so that the belt tightens automatically during the dive, while other belts loosen due to the reduction in the volume of the suit caused by the water pressure.

The result is that the Cressi weight belt always fits the diver's body at every stage of the dive.

With a Marseille-style buckle for quicker and easier release in case of danger. The buckle has a rotating roller and while you can unlock it with ease, it will not come undone if it gets caught on a rock or boat fitting.

The stainless steel Marseille buckle, has a safety gate, which fits perfectly into the holes in the belt at regular intervals along its length. The size of the buckle and the gate make it easy to use even when wearing diving gloves.

Suitable for underwater fishing and scuba diving.

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Construction / Material


Weights - Belts



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09:00 - 15:00 Monday - Thursday

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