Στολές κατάδυσης | Ψαροντούφεκα | Μάσκες | Βατραχοπέδιλα
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Free shipping

Applies to purchases above €80

Rope filling is a gift!

For every speargun purchase with a reel

Custom Band Setup

For any type of speargun!
Contact hours: 11:00 - 17:00 Monday - Thursday

Free shipping

Applies to purchases above €80

Rope filling is a gift!

buying a muzzleloader

Custom Band Setup

For any type of speargun!

Free shipping

Applies to purchases above €80

Rope filling is a gift!

Free for any speargun reel combo

Custom Band Setup

For any type of speargun!

C4 Gladius Speargun - Black Camo Ocean 85 / 95


C4 Gladius Speargun - Black Camo Ocean 85 / 95. This is the new carbon monoblock speargun by C4! With a hydrodynamic beautiful design, variation in sizes to satisfy every angler will hardly go unnoticed....
The Black version refers to the body of the speargun with a Carbon finish, the Camu version to the green variant and the Ocean version to the blue variant. The nominal length of the speargun refers to the length of the rigging and not to the length of the 'clean tube'. The price refers to the speargun with a 6.5mm shaft and a 16mm C4 band, a 70 euro surcharge for fitting a C4 Hercules reel and a free Dyneema filling!!!

Additional information

Speargun size



Camo, Ocean, Black


The collection of products from our location is by arrangement

Contact hours:
09:00 - 15:00 Monday - Thursday

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