Στολές κατάδυσης | Ψαροντούφεκα | Μάσκες | Βατραχοπέδιλα
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Applies to purchases above €80

Rope filling is a gift!

For every speargun purchase with a reel

Custom Band Setup

For any type of speargun!
Contact hours: 11:00 - 17:00 Monday - Thursday

Free shipping

Applies to purchases above €80

Rope filling is a gift!

buying a muzzleloader

Custom Band Setup

For any type of speargun!

Free shipping

Applies to purchases above €80

Rope filling is a gift!

Free for any speargun reel combo

Custom Band Setup

For any type of speargun!

Xt Diving ENEDRA Diving Suit

This product is not available in your Country

Xt Diving ENEDRA Diving Suit. The Lined/Shaved diving suit proposal from Xt Diving! With 4 thicknesses of material available, in three top camouflage colours, it came to meet the most demanding...!!!

*The color variation is subject to availability, in the thickness of material desired by the customer.

*Additional charge of 40 euros for per meter and 25 euros for pisset.


Xt Diving ENEDRA Diving Suit

Lined/shaved surrealistic Neopren Sheico suit in anatomical pattern.

On the outside, the super-elastic lining provides the highest level of durability and at the same time high quality elasticity.

The shaved inner surface fits our body perfectly, providing the ultimate in comfort, while the high elasticity of the Neoprene gives us a special sense of freedom of movement.

The hyper-compressed Sheico neoprene material, guarantees perfect linear buoyancy, both in small and large depths.

Particularly resistant to hard use while its good density makes it the ideal choice for your wetsuit.

This material, is the basic choice of demanding Freelancers and Underwater Hunters.

The design of the Xt Diving ENEDRA wetsuit features ergonomic details, while the good fit and waterproofing at critical points offer high thermal protection of the body. A suit that combines high performance with durability, suitable for the demanding needs of freed


The collection of products from our location is by arrangement

Contact hours:
09:00 - 15:00 Monday - Thursday

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