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Applies to purchases above €80

Rope filling is a gift!

buying a muzzleloader

Custom Band Setup

For any type of speargun!

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Rope filling is a gift!

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Groupex TX Rollers


Groupex TX Rollers. This is a product of the Groupex Premium Line 2025 series which refers to Roller and Invert Roller upgrade accessories made by Mitsubishi Ertalyte TX and is suitable for mounting on an 6mm diameter shaft.

TXCHP: This is the roller that Groupex's new CHP pulley range wears.

TXINSERT: This is an insert made to the dimensions of the standard invert roller bearings so that it can be replaced.
τους χωρίς προβλήματα εμπλοκής αλλά και με εξαιρετικά αυξημένη υδρολίσθηση.

TXROLLER: This is a roller made in the standard muzzle roller's dimensions as a replacement for increased hydroplaning.

TX3000: This is the complete construction of a standard diameter invert muzzle roller with a TXINSERT insert in the "nest" instead of a bearing. No jamming problems but also with extremely increased hydroplaning..
Without jamming problems but with extremely increased hydroplaning.

X3500: This is a roller made to meet the needs of a larger diameter than the usual offering extremely increased hydroplaning.


Groupex TX Rollers

This is a product of the Groupex Premium Line 2025 series which refers to Roller and Invert Roller upgrade accessories made by Mitsubishi Ertalyte TX and is suitable for mounting on an 6mm diameter shaft.

A high quality internally lubricated material that exhibits superior dimensional stability, high wear resistance and low coefficient of friction. These characteristics make Ertalyte TX ideal for use in applications requiring high pressure, high speed conditions as well as reduced noise in contact with other materials such as metal.

Features of Groupex TX Roller Type:

TXCHP: This is the roller worn by the new CHP series of Groupex pulleys. Dimensions:DI:13,4mm DO:16,6mm Thickness:5,8mm Pair Weight:2,6gr

TXINSERT: This is an insert made to the dimensions of the standard invert roller bearings so that they can be replaced without jamming problems but with extremely increased hydroplaning.
Dimensions:D:19mm Thickness:6,1mm Pair Weight:4,4gr

TXROLLER: This is a roller made in the standard muzzle roller's dimensions as a replacement, for increased hydroplaning.
Dimensions:DI:19,6mm DO:25mm Thickness:16mm Pair Weight:16gr

TX3000: This is the complete construction of a standard diameter invert muzzle roller with a TXINSERT insert in the "nest" instead of a bearing. No jamming problems but also with extremely increased hydroplaning..
Without jamming problems but with extremely increased hydroplaning.
Διαστάσεις: DI:25mm DO:30mm Πάχος 8mm Βάρος Ζεύγους: 12,6gr

X3500: This is a roller made to meet the needs of a larger diameter than the usual offering extremely increased hydroplaning. Dimensions DI:29mm, DO:35mm Thickness:9mm Pair Weight: 21,8gr

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09:00 - 15:00 Monday - Thursday

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