Στολές κατάδυσης | Ψαροντούφεκα | Μάσκες | Βατραχοπέδιλα
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Applies to purchases above €80

Rope filling is a gift!

For every speargun purchase with a reel

Custom Band Setup

For any type of speargun!
Contact hours: 11:00 - 17:00 Monday - Thursday

Free shipping

Applies to purchases above €80

Rope filling is a gift!

buying a muzzleloader

Custom Band Setup

For any type of speargun!

Free shipping

Applies to purchases above €80

Rope filling is a gift!

Free for any speargun reel combo

Custom Band Setup

For any type of speargun!

White Dive Fin Water Rails for C4 Blades

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White Dive Fin Water Rails for C4 Blades. Reinforced white fin water rails of the company C4 1m long!!


White Dive Fin Water Rails for C4 Blades

The Water Rail C4 is likened to a water rail, it is a T-shaped profile applied to the sides of the blades to channel the water and stabilize the kick.

Are they made of EPDM, a material of excellent quality, more elastic and durable, necessary for channeling water without affecting the movement of the fin.

Water Rail C4 can also be glued to plastic blades by carefully following the instructions.

Additional information


The collection of products from our location is by arrangement

Contact hours:
09:00 - 15:00 Monday - Thursday

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