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Rope filling is a gift!

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Alternating Weight 5kg One Shot. The Alternating Weight 5kg with Quick Release is One Shot's new offering for relaxing dives to greater depths. The revolutionary Quick Release mechanism guarantees the release of any alternating weight using only one hand!!! Choose the set or individually each product!

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Βαρίδι Εναλλασσόμενο 5kg One Shot. Το εναλλασσόμενο βαρίδι 5kg με Quick Release είναι η νέα πρόταση της εταιρείας One Shot για ξεκούραστες βουτιές σε μεγαλύτερα βάθη. Ο επαναστατικός μηχανισμός Quick Release εγγυάται την απελευθέρωση οποιουδήποτε εναλλασσόμενου βάρους χρησιμοποιώντας μόνο το ένα χέρι!! Επιλέξτε το set ή ξεχωριστά το κάθε προϊόν!


Alternating Weight 5kg One Shot. The Alternating Weight 5kg with Quick Release is One Shot's new offering for relaxing dives to greater depths. The revolutionary Quick Release mechanism guarantees the release of any alternating weight using only one hand!!! Choose the set or individually each product!

The Alternating Weight One Shot's 5kg is an excellent choice for underwater hunters looking for reliable and advanced dive control equipment during their dives. Constructed from high quality materials, this alternate weight offers reliable performance and durability.

The 5kg One Shot Alternating Weight was designed to offer precise dive control and allow the underwater hunter to customize the dive to his or her liking. With an ergonomic design and easy positioning, this weight offers excellent balance and flexibility during the dive.

Equip yourself with the 5kg One Shot Switching Weights to enjoy an enhanced underwater hunting experience, with full control over your dive.

It is the new proposal of the company One Shot with Quick Release mechanism, for relaxing dives to greater depths.

The Alternating Weight is made of high quality Inox on the outside and molded lead on the inside. It has a soft silicone Grip handle for a better grip, and a reinforced rubber grip at the bottom to avoid noise when the weight touches the bottom or rocks.

The revolutionary Quick Release mechanism made of high quality Inox, guarantees the release of any alternating weight using only one hand! Just by pressing its trigger.

Choose the set or each product separately!!

Additional information


Set Alternating with Quick Release, Only Alternating Weight Only, Only Release Mechanism(Quick Release)

Weights - Belts



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